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Inför Gothia så vill jag påminna om Idkontrollen, viktigt att alla spelare har med sig sina id / pass. Vi kommer genomföra den för hela laget på måndagen innan vår första match. Om man inte kan då så måste man ta sig till Exercise huset innan man spelar sin första match med en ledare, om det är så vänligen kontakta Fatima, 0704-334465.
Nytt för i år är att man har Team steward på matcherna, en förälder som har en väst på sig under matchen som ser till att publiken sköter sig och uppför sig på ett sportsligt sätt så inför varje match kommer vi behöva ett namn samt telefonnummer. Bifogar mer info i utskicket.
What is a Team Steward?
A Team Steward is a person connected to your team who has the responsibility your teams behavior during the games – including players, coaches and spectators.
The Team Steward also assists the referees to make sure the team’s supporters doesn’t interface with the game.
A Team Steward will receive a purple vest to wear during the matches.
As a coach of the team, your role is to:
1. Appoint a Team Steward that is connected to your team.
2. Report name and phone number of the Team Steward on your Team List. 3. Receive the vest from Gothia Cup Staff and give it to your Team Steward. 4. Give back the vest to the Gothia Cup Staff after the game.
You are responsible to hand out this vest to a designated leader or another accom- panying individual that’s going to be your teams “Team Steward” during the game.
What do I do as a Coach?
What do I do as Team Steward?
You are responsible for your team’s supporters. You make sure that they are using good behavior, are cheering and spreads joy towards the players and referees.
You make sure that your teams crowd doesn’t interface with the game and that they are keeping a safety distance to the pitch.
Something to Report?
If anything happens during the game that Gothia Cup needs to be aware of – Gothia Cup requires you to report by using the QR-Code. You will report directly to our staff.
You can also reach us by calling this number +46 735-67 72 88
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